Children's Choice Waiver (C.C.W.)
The Children's Choice Wavier (C.C.W.) program provides services in the home and in the community to individuals 0 through 20 years of age, who currently live at home with their families or who will leave an institution to return home.
The waiver provides an individualized support package with a maximum cost of $17,500 per year, and is designed for maximum flexibility.
Youth who reach the age of 18 and want to work may choose to transition to a Supports Waiver as long as they remain eligible for waiver services.
Youth who continue in the Children's Choice Waiver beyond age 18 will age out of Children's Choice Waiver when they reach their 21st birthday. They will transition to the most appropriate waiver that meets their needs as long as they remain eligible for waiver services.
This program is no intended to provide 24 hours a day support.
*Youth age 0 to 3 individuals must meet the My Place eligibility requirements.*Youth age 3 to 20 individuals must hve an OCDD Statement of Approval.