Residential Options Waiver (R.O.W.)
The Residential Options Waiver (R.O.W.) program provides services in the home and in the community to individuals of all ages who are eligible to receive OCDD waiver services. It is a capped waiter where the person's individual annual budget upon the person's assessed support needs.
Supports needs are determined by an Inventory for Client and Agency Planning (ICAP) assessment.
* This program is not intended to provide 24 hours a day of one to one support.How Can People Request an OCDD Waiver?
Home and community-based waiver opportunities will now be provided based on the individual's prioritized need for support, which was identified in their RFSR Screening for Urgency of Need. Instead of being first come, first served, individuals with the most emergent and urgent need for support will have priority.
Individuals who have a need for services should contact their local Human Services District/Authority in order to go through the eligibility determination process.
To add your name to the Developmental Disability Request for Services Registry or if you have any questions, you can contact the Human Services District/Authority in your area. Listed below is a web link to this information: https://ldh.la.gov/index.cfm/page/134
If you do not have access to a computer, you may call the OCDD State Office at 866-783-5553 to request the contact information for your local Human Services District/Authority.